Smileybelt – pregnancy and postnatal support


During pregnancy your pelvic joints are under much more stress than usual. Smileybelt will give you pain relief, improved posture and increased endurance to keep you on your feet throughout your pregnancy.

During pregnancy your pelvic joints are under much more stress than usual. Smileybelt will give you pain relief, improved posture and increased endurance to keep you on your feet throughout your pregnancy.

During pregnancy your pelvic joints are under much more stress than usual. Smileybelt will give you pain relief, improved posture and increased endurance to keep you on your feet throughout your pregnancy.


During pregnancy your pelvic joints are under much more stress than usual. Smileybelt will give you pain relief, improved posture and increased endurance to keep you on your feet throughout your pregnancy.

How? Smileybelt supports your sacro-iliac and symphysis pubic joints by assisting your muscles and ligaments to create stability and keep control. Your core muscles are maintained and the extra workload reduced. You can even wear it in bed to get a better nights rest!

Wear the Smileybelt with the wide part around the back of your pelvis/low back, done up at the front if you have:

  • Pelvic girdle pain
  • SPD (Symphysis pubis dysfunction)
  • Sacro-iliac joint pain
  • Sciatica
  • Hip pain
  • Pain rolling over in bed


Wearing Smileybelt as a belly band makes carrying your baby belly a whole lot easier. Take the struggle out of getting up and down and standing for long periods of time.

Smileybelt will support your abdominal muscles to hold your baby belly close to you. This will relieve both abdominal strain and the associated pregnancy back pain.

This is also a comfortable way to wear your Smileybelt while sitting and great for end of the day fatigue when you still need to push on and get dinner made! Perfect for easing:

  • Low to mid back pain
  • Diastasis recti
  • Round ligament pain
  • Carrying Multiples
  • Vulva vein pressure
  • Umbilical Hernia


Growing and giving birth to a little person is one miraculous part of life. There’s so much change going on in the female body and it takes time to recover. You can wear your Smileybelt as a belly band to help facilitate your abdominal muscles back to their pre pregnancy form, and to support your low back with all the lifting, carrying and twisting that caring for a newborn requires. If you continue to have pelvic joint pain, your Smileybelt is going to be your best friend. Wear it low around your pelvis to help prevent injury to these susceptible joints.

Measuring for Pregnancy
There are two ways you can wear your Smileybelt during pregnancy – one for pelvic joint pain and one for abdominal strain and low back pain. To measure for both is the same. Take a measuring tape and wrap it around your body at the level of your pubic bone then match that measurement up with our size chart below. The video below shows where if you’re unsure.

Measuring for Non-Pregnant Back Pain
For general mid to lower back pain measure around your body at the level of your hip bones. For sacroiliac joint pain or instability measure around the level of your pubic bone. Match your measurement with our size chart below.

If You Don’t Have a Measuring Tape
You can use pretty much anything – a piece of string, side of a towel, or a belt – just wrapping it around, again at the level of the pubic bone. And just measure that length off against a ruler or a builders tape measure.

Additional information


L, ML, S, SM, XL, XS


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